Friday, November 9, 2007

the march

I think, everyone's been pretty busy. Work must be pilling up to your noses at this point.

It is during this time, we often forget what's most important, because we look at everything else, and worry about entirely all things different from what's before us.

After the Israelites defeated the Amalekites, Moses built an altar for God and called it the Lord is my Banner. (Exodus 17:15)

You know, as I thought about it, really, a banner is very significant in A LOT of things. In a march during war especially, as it boosts troop morale. Sir William Wallace had his own banner of Scotland (or however the flag was then) as they marched into battle.

Guess what?

We have the Lord our God as OUR BANNER!

Isn't that in itself a guaranteed success?

Remember guys/gals, look at what's just before you, but more importantly, remember who your banner is! Let it fly high as you march into whatever battle you are facing!

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