Wednesday, September 5, 2007

All your boat are belong to Me

Was reading a random Max Lucado email...short and sweet reminders that I find very inspired and refreshing, and very very readable. He quoted from the gospels when Jesus borrowed Peter's boat in order to preach more effectively from offshore. Mentioning that Jesus practically comandeered the boat, he drew the parallel that it was Jesus' prerogative to do so.

All we have, our talents and time, ultimately belong to Him. And when we commit to following Him, He's going to demand their use regularly. Despite the fact that Peter was tired from a night's fishing, and was busy mending his nets, when Christ calls, we follow.

I can foresee this year being a bit more busy than the previous ones. Not just because its the last year before I start working, or just because I'm serving more actively with the students now, but because of a decision made to finally stand up and take responsibility. Responsibility for my relationships, with God as well as others, responsibility to be a witness, for my patients (soon-to-be or otherwise!), responsibility for making life decisions. And from reading this today, I may just have ended agreeing to something bigger than I've imagined.

When God pushes, I'd better prick my ears up and listen.

Keep me accountable, people.


lingZZ' said...

that's good,jon. often seems gigantic when we take steps for God but do persevere on. reading A Love Worth Giving by Max Lucado now... which really reminds me that if we do not 1st understand or know the Father's love, we cannot love others. And the 1st step to loving others, is a step towards Him... hope that'll help you in some way.

Unknown said...

Taking responsiblity of what you have been given is a mark of maturity. Standing up is always the first step but walking the mile is a continual process..I hope that you will keep on keeping on with your commitments!
Michelle NGai

LeeBern said...
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