Friday, September 28, 2007

O ye of little faith

Its nice when I'm proved wrong.

Student welcome planning
- We'll plan for 80 newcomers shall we? Fine.

- rush rush rush. Pray. rush rush rush. Pray. rush rush rush rush rus- Nearly forgot to pray.

- Will people come?

- You know, I don't think people will come.

- What if there are more people on stage than off it?

- We'll continue anyway. Even if one person comes, it's worth it. Really?

- I'm in charge. Have to stay focussed. Have to believe. Not in myself.

- But what if..

Student welcome night

- Last minute rush. Hook up laptops, projector, sound test. Peek out. Awed.

- Thank you God.

- Suddenly everything falls into place. Kind of. Its enough. I stand corrected.


"Take in with all Christians the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test it's length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the lengths! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God."

Eph 3:18-19(Message)


BenYong said...

Good to hear that it went well for you. It's a very concise story on how far God will go for you as long as you believe in Him!


lishun said...


peasantboy said...

lishun calls me a worry wart for having the same worries as u :) hahaha. good to hear it went well for you too :) GOd is good, all the time